
terms and conditions

Terms of use


Welcome to the Herfah platform application.




These Terms of Use and all additional policies and terms (if applicable) on the Application set out the terms on which we provide you with access to and use of the Application, Services and Applications.


The craft platform application has the absolute right at any time to modify the terms and conditions of the application without prior notice or warning; You can enter


 to the most current version of the Terms and Conditions at any time on the Application; If you do not accept the amendments to the terms and conditions,


you must stop using this service; If you continue to use this service, you implicitly agree to be bound


The amended terms and conditions of use of this application.




About the application:-


This application is an e-commerce (multi-merchant) platform that allows users (artisans) to view and sell products made


 manually just by creating a custom store for them; It also allows companies and individuals to purchase a variety of products; as we keep


We reserve the right to introduce new services and to update or withdraw any of the services, at our sole discretion without any liability.

Registration conditions:You are entitled to register as a buyer or seller and benefit from the services if you meet the following eligibility criteria:-


For buyers:


You are of legal age to be able to purchase Products in your country of residence.

Be able to provide an address in or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or at any other address permitted for delivery of Products.

For sellers:


You can provide evidence of the authorization of individuals who register with or use the Application.

Submit proof of identity to the authorized person.

Provide supporting bank statements.

You acknowledge and agree that some additional requirements may apply to certain categories of Products.

to register on the application; We will need to provide some information; Your registration on the site will not be accepted if it is not submitted

information needed by us; We have the right to refuse any registration without giving reasons; We also have the right to do




checks necessary to verify your identity and registration requirements; Once you have successfully completed the registration; Lasts


 Your registration for an indefinite period is subject to suspension or cancellation in the event of a breach of these Terms of Use.


All products included in the application are hand-made.


Your commitments: -

When you use or access the Services, you agree to the following:


your responsibility to maintain privacy and to limit access to and use of your account and password;

and agree to be responsible for all activities that take place under your account and password.


Agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your password or account or any other breach of the Safe Use Standards for the Application.

Provide complete, true, accurate and current information about yourself and your use of the Services as specified by us.

Not to disclose to third parties (except as required or specified by us) the user information provided to you.

Cooperate with requests from us for additional information regarding your eligibility and use of our services.

When you use or access the Services, you agree that you will not:

Post, insert or upload any inappropriate or prohibited content or material in our application, including:

Content or material that is morally or religiously inappropriate in any way.

Content or materials that do not comply with local law, Islamic law, rules, morals, values, morals and traditions.

Content or material that may threaten national security.

Content or materials that may promote or fall into gambling.

Securities, including shares, bonds, sukuk, or any other securities or any of the assets.

Living or dead creatures and/or any part of any animal that has been kept or preserved by any artificial or natural means.

None of the weapons.

Wine, tobacco products, narcotics, psychotropic substances, hypnotic substances, intoxicants of any kind, and medical drugs.

To the best of your knowledge, materials that are defective, false, damaged, misleading, or that may cause harm when used normally for the benefit or health of another user of the Application.

Coupons are not transferable.


Post material to which you are not entitled to share the link or to include.

Posting counterfeit or plagiarized material.

breach or circumvent the system, or breach any third-party rights, our regulations or policies, or breach decisions about the status of your account;

Use the Services if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, are unable to enter into legally binding contracts, or your account has been suspended temporarily or indefinitely.

Not paying you for products you have purchased, unless there is a statutory reason to do so in any of our policies.

Not to deliver to customers the products you have sold (if applicable), unless there is a lawful reason to support your position and is stated in any of our policies.

Use the contact information provided to you during the transaction through the Application to try to increase your sales outside the limits of the Application or through other sites or applications.

Manipulating the price of any products.

Interfering with other users' lists.

Take any action that would reduce the evaluation of the application and the rating systems.

Post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory or similar content.

Transfer your account to another party without our prior written consent.

Post unsolicited messages or electronic communications or the like.

Spread viruses or any other technology that may harm our Services or the interests or property of other users.


to break:

Laws of copyright, trademark, patent, morals, advertising, database, and/or any other intellectual property rights (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights") that relate to or are licensed to us.

Any intellectual property rights relating to third parties.

Collecting users' information without their consent.

circumvent any of the technical procedures we use to provide the Services.

intellectuals’ property rights:

Except for rights expressly granted in accordance with these Terms of Use:-


All content contained in the Application is either proprietary to us or the property of our licensors, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, audio clips, digital downloads and software. We (or our licensors, as the case may be) reserve all rights, title and interest in and to the Application and Services, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights contained in these Terms of Use; All rights, title, and interest in and to any information, materials or other content that you provide through your use of the Services as well as all of your intellectual property rights contained in these Terms of Use shall become our property.

You agree that you may not use our Trademarks without our prior written consent.

All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms of Use are reserved to us or our licensors

representations and warranties: -


You warrant, represent and warrant that:


Full compliance to continue to operate in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations, including but not limited to

Comply with legislation related to privacy laws and content regulation.


You have full authority to contract under these Terms of Use, and your performance of your obligation under these Terms of Use does not conflict with:

any laws, rules, regulations or governmental guidelines to which you are subject.

Any of the other agreements to which you are a party or to which you are bound by

If you create an account or use it on behalf of others, you are authorized to act on their behalf and warrant

his obligation to operate under these Terms of Use; This account is owned and managed by him.


You own or are authorized to grant the rights and licenses you have granted to us under these Terms of Use.

Any content that you provide as part of your use of the Services and of any products you list, does not infringe your rights

 Third parties anywhere around the world, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights (whether registered or not).


that the Services are provided to you “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR REPRESENTATIONS; We disclaim all responsibility for

All warranties, representations or representations of all forms, whether express, implied or additional, for example


but not limited to all warranties, representations or representations of the content's merchantability or fitness for a purpose


specific, general, or not infringing or in breach of any rights, or that our Services are safe, faultless, timely or generally available.


Although we try to be as accurate as possible, we do not guarantee that product specifications or any content will be accurate

 any other Service that is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free; Additionally - and based on your being a buyer -

        You agree that we are not responsible for examining or testing the listings or the content of the Services provided by us or third parties;


       and that you will not attempt to hold us liable for any errors or defects in any of the lists; And based on being a seller, you


      You are responsible for reviewing the accuracy of the content on your listings and that you will not attempt to place our or our responsibility on you


   Content/brochure providers are responsible for errors or inaccuracies.

Liability and compensation: -


Nothing in these Terms of Use shall limit or exempt your liability for:

Fraud, including fraud, by such party.

Any of the other responsibilities that cannot be limited or waived in accordance with applicable law.

In no event shall we be liable - whether based on a claim, a claim in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty, or

Breach of these Terms of Use - Liability for any claim for loss of profits, loss of data or information, or malfunction

business or any financial loss or any special, indirect or incidental damages even if we have been notified of such damages.


You acknowledge that you will not hold us liable for any damage or loss arising directly or indirectly from:

Content or other information you provide when you use the Services.

Your use of or inability to use the Services.

pricing, shipping, coordination, or any of the instructions provided by us.

Delays or interruptions in the provision of services.

Viruses or other malware found by accessing the Services.

Service errors, malfunctions, or inaccuracies in any way.

Content or the actions or inactions of third parties who use our Services.

Comment or other actions we take in connection with your use of the Services.

How long or how long your listings appear in search results.

Your need to modify practices, content or behavior or your loss or inability to do business as a result of changes to these Terms of Use.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless, from and against any losses, damages and expenses (including legal fees and attorneys' fees) ("Claims") arising from:

Any claims or claims made by third parties as a result of your use of the Application.

Violate any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, including without limitation any of the warranties, representations, and representations.

Violation of any applicable regulations.

The way you use our app, including but not limited to the content you use

post it, the products you list or your trademarks that infringe any intellectual property rights


to third parties or your Content to be slanderous, slanderous, defamatory or otherwise infringing.


Suspension, Termination or Cancellation: -


Without prejudice to any of your rights or remedies and without any liability to you, we may limit, suspend or withdraw your access


  or your use of the Application or canceling an order for any Products and/or deleting Content provided by you at our sole discretion

Report a violation of the terms of use: -


We are committed to ensuring that the Products and Content in the Application comply with these Terms of Use; If the content provided does not comply with these Terms of Use, please notify us and we will investigate the matter.


General Provisions:


Applicable Law: These Terms of Use and any related non-contractual rights or duties shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Dispute Resolution: If you have any issues with our services, please contact us; We will work hard to solve the problem


confront you as soon as possible; Any disputes or controversies relating to these Terms of Use, including


Any related non-contractual rights or duties through the competent courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Third Party Rights: A person who is not part of these Terms of Use has no right to enforce any of these Terms of Use.


Relationship of the Parties: Nothing in these Terms of Use may be interpreted or interpreted by the parties or by a third party to construe the relationship between us as


between partners or agents or creates a joint venture between the parties, but it is understood and clear that all parties to the agreement are independent parties.


Additional confirmations: the parties take the necessary actions or arrange to take the necessary actions and release documents and other


matters within its power to enforce and verify operation of these Terms of Use, including without limitation


Inventory assist each party to comply with the applicable system.


Communication: You can communicate with us through our social media.


privacy policy

It is the application's policy with regard to the data it receives from customers, according to which we will deal with any personal data, including


Including without limitation, payment data, and other data we collect from you or from other or such sources


 that you provide to us (the “Data”) in order to access and use the herfah App, and we understand the importance of this data,


We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read the following carefully to understand our data practices; and using you


For our services you agree to handle data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


What data may we collect from you?


We may collect and process the following data:


The data you provide by filling in forms in the application (e.g., social media logins), subscribing to our services, publishing materials or requesting other services.

Data you provide when entering a competition or promotion via the App, completing a survey or polling, or submitting reviews, testimonials or feedback.

Data you provide to us, or that we may collect from you, when you tell us about any difficulty you encounter using an application.

Record correspondence if you contact us.

General, aggregate, demographic, and non-personal data.

We may be able to access details about your location and your mobile location, including your device's unique identifier.

Details of the transactions you have made through the Application and details of our processing and delivery of the goods you have ordered.

Your email address that has been provided to us by third parties who have confirmed to us that they have obtained your consent to share your email address.

Any other data we consider necessary to enhance your experience using the Application.

How will we use your data ?


We may use the data in the following cases:


To provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we think you may be interested in, and where you have agreed to be contacted for such purposes.

To provide you with location-based services, such as advertising, search results, and other content tailored to you.

To carry out the obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and any other party that uses an application, or between you and us.

To improve our services and to provide better and more customized services.

To ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and the device you are using to access the Application.

To notify you of changes made by the application.

For any other reason we deem necessary to enhance your browsing experience on the Application.

To administer incentive programs and fulfill your requests for such incentives, and/or to allow you to participate in contests and notify you if you win.

To whom can we disclose data?


Data about our customers is a very important part of our business; Therefore, we only share data as mentioned below


Only and with companies that pursue practices that have, at a minimum, protection benefits similar to those described in the Privacy Policy:


In compliance with government laws, data may be disclosed to government agencies if requested.

other parties. To provide our services, we may cooperate with other affiliated companies or unaffiliated service providers

(For example: logistics companies used to deliver products to you, marketing companies, processing


payments for online transactions, etc.); It is possible that these other companies do for the sake of


Carry out your transactions, by storing the data in a digital wallet so that your use of our services is more efficient.


You understand how important it is for these companies to have access to relevant data to perform their tasks; We are careful not to use

These companies provide data for other purposes; We may also receive data from these companies (for example: Data

delivery and updated addresses), to be used (for example: to correct our records and deliver merchandise for any purchase you make).


By using the Application, you consent to the transfer, storage, use, and disclosure of data between

Our affiliates and unaffiliated service providers, wherever located; Provided that these companies are contractually committed to respecting data privacy.

marketing and promotions; We may also use the data to provide you with information about the goods and services you provide

You may be interested in them as well as enhancing your experience in browsing and using the site, service messages, and new features


improvements, special offers and events of interest. We can communicate with you through various channels, including


 This includes but is not limited to emails, text messages, web notifications, posts, phone, app messages, and news article transfer cards.


We may allow third parties to use the data, for example: We may provide data to advertisers to help them

 In reaching the target audience to enable us to comply with our obligations to advertisers (i.e.: by displaying their ads to the target audience).


To participate in some of our competitions and promotions, you may be asked to provide additional data;

 For example: If you win a competition, you may be asked to provide more personal data


 to confirm your eligibility and provide the award to you; This data is collected by us or by our sponsors


Participants or sellers of promotions. Please note that you should review the privacy policies of this third party to learn how they use any data they collect.


Business Transfers: In the event that the app or virtually all of our assets are acquired, customer data will be one of the assets transferred to the new owner.

Protecting the Application and Other Sites: We disclose a customer's account and other personal data when we believe that this

Disclosure is appropriate to comply with laws and investigations to enforce laws and to protect rights, property, or


the safety of our users or others. This includes exchanging data with other companies and organizations for a variety of reasons, including fraud protection and credit risk reduction.

How do we store your data?


We will store data for as long as necessary in accordance with this Privacy Policy or if required to comply with any regulation; The data may be transferred, stored, processed and used by our affiliates or non-affiliated service providers in one or more countries outside your country; It is also possible to transfer and store your payment data by our affiliate companies to process payments and provide technical support services.


What protection standards do we apply?


We take the necessary technical, commercial, technical, and administrative steps to ensure that data is treated securely and in line with this Privacy Policy, in order to protect data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction; Only employees, service providers and agents who need to know the data will be allowed to access it in order to carry out their work.


It is important for you to ensure that your password and the device you use to access the Application are protected to avoid any unauthorized access by third parties; You are solely responsible for keeping your password strictly confidential.

How do you access and modify the data?


You can access a wide range of data about your account and your interactions with the Application for the purpose of displaying and, in some cases, updating the data.


Examples of data that you can easily access on the site:


Updated data regarding your most recent purchase orders.

Personally Identifiable Data (including your name, email, password, communications and personal advertising preferences).

Payment settings (including credit card information).

Email notification settings.

You can refuse to receive our marketing communications in the future at any time by adjusting your customer communications preferences.

We may retain a copy of the data for the purposes of compliance with laws, in particular when you update information where we keep a copy of the prior data for our records.

On-app sales policy


Once registered on the site, all sellers are considered to have agreed to and adhere to the mechanism, policy and terms of sale on the application.

How to sell on the app:

The seller creates a dedicated store for him on the application; Through which he can display his products to the buyers registered with us in the application; This is according to the sales model and services we provide; Our services include:

Organizing and fulfilling the order (such as communicating with the buyer about their purchase, getting payments from the buyer and arranging delivery).

contracting with a shipping company; To ship the product from your warehouse or from your headquarters to the buyer.


Collect cash and process payments.


Securing the call center and customer service in accordance with our terms of use and terms of sale.


We have the right to determine the content, appearance, design, functionality and all other aspects of the Application and the Services (including the right

to redesign, modify, remove and change the content, appearance, design, functionality and other aspects of the Application and the Services and any

element, aspect, part or feature thereof at any time and from time to time), delay or suspend the listing of the Product, refuse to list the Product, or cancel the listing

product, or requiring you not to include any or all Products in our sole discretion; We may, at our absolute discretion, discontinue any of the

your sales transactions for the purpose of investigation, and we have the right to refuse to process and/or limit shipping destinations and/or stop and/or cancel any

from your sales transactions if we consider it necessary for legal purposes or to ensure compliance with the seller's terms.

Selling fees in the craft platform (application):

A percentage of (10%) is collected from the value of the seller's sales, and this percentage is the value of the fees of the craft platform (application) for the abovementioned from

Services in the platform (application) and this percentage may increase to reach (20%), according to what the platform (application) sees.

Adding the value-added tax to the value of the product, and the craft platform (application) will transfer the amounts of the value-added tax to the entity

concerned government; Provided that the application deposits and transfers the seller’s dues, after deducting the percentage of the craft platform (application) and after

Deduction of VAT amounts twice a month; the first one (1) day of the month; The second is on the 15th of the month according to the Gregorian year.

Seller terms and conditions:

Seller terms and conditions (“Seller Terms”) and all additional policies and terms (if applicable) on the Application set forth the Terms

which allows you as a seller to access and use the Application; For the purpose of selling directly to buyers via the Application; These seller terms also apply

To all other terms (including our Terms of Use, Terms of Sale, and Privacy Policy) and any other policies and terms

Additional (together the “Legal Documents”). By accessing, registering, and/or continuing to use or access our Services, and you agree

to comply with these Seller Terms and Legal Documents with immediate effect; As follows: -

You are obligated to read the legal documents and in particular, take note of the eligibility conditions and account information necessary to open a seller account

 and your responsibilities when using the Application, including your responsibilities in relation to products prohibited by these Terms of Use


In addition to your obligations under the Legal Documents, unless otherwise agreed by us; You must comply with the following conditions:

Photographing the product with several photos from several sides, with clear photos and a white background.

Delivery of the product in accordance with the terms of packaging and other instructions that we notify you

Packaging and transporting products safely in a manner that minimizes the risk of product damage.

Arranging the collection of products that are subject to a request for return, exchange or rejection from us at the stage of product quality inspection.

Accepting the returned products that are included in the warranty as stipulated by the applicable laws or the terms of use.

Provide a guarantee for all products (specified in the conditions of sale) that are sold to buyers and these guarantees apply in cases where there are

defects in materials and workmanship; Your obligations are limited to repairing the defective product or replacing the defective part, or at our discretion, or

Replace the product or refund according to the market price of the same product; According to the warranty, return and exchange policy.

Continuing responsibility for after-sales services, warranties, maintenance and defects, and complying with our instructions on your products

or use of our Services, including in connection with the deletion of listings of offered products that infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties and arranging

Delivery, collection of returns or other similar matters.

provide us with any information requested by us; All registration data or requested information provided to us must be accurate and correct.

‌Update your pricing taking into account VAT

You acknowledge that it is our priority to ensure an enjoyable and smooth experience for purchasers through the Application, and that we perform services for purchasers to enhance

market them for delivery, returns, exchanges and warranty of products under the Terms of Sale; Therefore, you agree to submit

Assistance necessary to enable us to fulfill our obligations to buyers under the Terms of Sale and you also agree to:-

Accepting the returned product in the event that the buyer is entitled to return the product under the terms of sale or under the warranty period stipulated in the applicable laws.

exchange or return any product returned by the Buyer under the Terms of Sale and ensure that the return or exchange is made within a reasonable time to enable us to fulfill our obligations under the Terms of Sale.

Take all necessary actions to refund the buyer to ensure that we meet our refund obligations under the terms of sale.

You agree that you will receive products that are returned to you due to the cancellation of the order by the customer, or due to the failure of the product to process

quality check; These products will be returned to you within two working weeks; Products that are marked as unavailable will be returned

For delivery, and products that are returned at the request of the customer to you within two working weeks, or within thirty (30) working days for the products that

They are shipped worldwide, and you will be notified of a different timeline from time to time.

You acknowledge that you may be subject to a fine of up to 100% of the product price, in the event that any order by you is refused.

Due to any of the following reasons, but not limited to: -

The product is out of stock even though it appears as available in your seller account; Or if it appeared on the site in an available condition and you did not have it in the stores.

In the event that an incorrect price for the product is set by you in your seller account.

You acknowledge that you may be subject to a fine of up to 100% of the product price, which may include additional costs such as

Delivery charges, in order to refund the buyer in any of the following cases related to warranty claims:

If you decline warranty claims.

In the event that you return a product to us or the buyer that you do not repair or refuse to replace the product without giving a compelling and reasonable reason.

In the event that any calls or emails from the warranty follow-up team are not answered.

If you sell used or refurbished products.

In the event of non-compliance with the maximum repair period of (14) days from the date of receiving the product.

You agree to the following terms with respect to all products returned by buyer under warranty claims:-

Upon receipt of the product for warranty service, you are obligated to sign the work request form submitted by the delivery representative as evidence of acceptance of receipt (the bill of lading), after you inspect the product (if necessary) while the delivery representative is present.


If you repair or replace the product under warranty and return it to the courier, it must be in

The product and packaging must be clean and free from any damage, and the product must remain in its original box or packaging.

If you are located outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it is your responsibility to follow up on the shipping company (selected at our discretion) regarding

in connection with the receipt and/or delivery of the Product, by providing you with the details of the shipping document from the said shipping company; It also ensures that

The process of receiving and/or delivering the product to our warehouses takes place within a maximum of two days, starting from the date we provide you with the details of the shipping document.

You are obligated to print the waybill and place it on the products at the time of delivery to the shipping company.

In addition, you agree that we have the right to refuse the product upon receipt of it from you in the following cases:

If the product is damaged.

The product does not meet our packaging, quality or other requirements.

Product inconsistency with these Seller Terms or any other applicable laws.

You will have the discretion to choose and adjust product pricing manually, via a pricing engine or through the provided API

in your seller account; You must fulfill all requests requested by the customer, even if the price entered is wrong, and bear the responsibility

You are fully responsible for any costs or liabilities due to pricing errors.

We charge you a percentage of the sale transaction (10%) and up to (20%); We may also charge you

(a) our delivery, warehousing and logistics charges, (b) payment processing, chargeback or other related charges,

(c) duties or other taxes we may incur when we provide services to you, and (d) costs we may incur if you breach the terms of this undertaking.

Sale proceeds will be deposited into your bank account twice a month; The first is the (1) day of the month and the second is the 15th day of the month; we won't be

In no event shall we be liable for any incorrect bank account data provided by you, and the consequences thereof.

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in these Seller Terms and without prejudice to our other rights and remedies, you acknowledge our right to withhold

all and any sums owed in your favor for all loss or damage suffered by us or any seller, as we determine

unilaterally, by way of, but not limited to: (i) Products that infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties; and (ii) fraudulent conduct on your part.

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any losses, damages and expenses (including legal fees and attorneys' fees) that may arise

for or relating to any claims or demands made by any third party due to or arising out of: a) your breach of these Terms; or your violation of any applicable laws or regulations.

You warrant, represent and warrant that:

You will not display, sell or market any product that is prohibited or in violation of the laws in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or

Outside, but not limited to (contraband, drugs, alcoholic beverages, weapons and other prohibited items).

that you have full authority to agree to these Seller Terms and that you are in full compliance with them; At all times, all applicable laws, regulations and legislation.

You have all necessary licenses, permissions, permits, proprietary rights, consents and licenses in the Products you list

or listed on your behalf, to sell or promote these products in or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Your listed products comply with the required quality and safety standards in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or abroad.

All products are new (not refurbished or used) and free from defects.

You are solely responsible for any legal obligations arising from the purchase and use of your merchandise listed on the Site by

Users of the Site or any other third party.

You must include the dimensions of the product on the site correctly and accurately and with a white background; If the dimensions are not correct, you will be responsible for any additional shipping costs that may be incurred.

If we determine, in our sole discretion, that you have breached any of the warranties, representations and undertakings in clause 17:-

You will be responsible for paying compensation of no less than fifty thousand Saudi riyals, in addition to paying any fine or fees

imposed by any governmental authority or body, in addition to the costs of legal and litigation

Any payments owed by us to you will be held until such breach is resolved.

We may impose a fine as compensation from you to us, which will be determined and decided at our discretion, for all direct and indirect losses.

Direct incurred by us as a result of the breach, including compensation for loss of reputation

Furthermore, when you do not pay the full compensation and/or penalty imposed, we place a conditional ban on a time basis.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we reserve the right to take appropriate legal action against you.

Suspension and termination of your account: -

Without prejudice to any of our rights and remedies and without any liability to you, we may limit, suspend or withdraw your right to access

our services and/or delete existing content provided by or on your behalf if we consider, in our absolute discretion:

You have breached the seller's terms in any way.

We refuse to receive the product from you under the seller's terms.

You have not cooperated appropriately with any investigation by us or by any private or governmental entity.

you fail to meet the agreed performance indicators; or if continuing to provide the services to you would expose us or offer us

other users of the Site and the Craft Platform (Application) are subject to regulatory action or any other imminent risk; Upon termination of your account, your seller account record will be terminated and you will not be entitled to any legal or financial claim from us.

Any termination of these Seller Terms (howsoever caused) shall not affect any rights or obligations accruing to the herfah Platform (Al App) or the customer (the buyer), and not affect any provision of the seller's terms that expressly or implicitly provide for its validity or termination; or require a court order

: - Confidentiality

For the purposes of these Seller Terms, the term “Confidential Information” includes material and information that is private, confidential, non-public, or proprietary

that have been or may be disclosed to you, whether directly or indirectly, or that you have obtained or become aware of, whether orally, in writing or graphically

or in electronic or other formats pursuant to, or as a consequence of, agreeing to the Seller's Terms, you must keep all information confidential

that we may provide to you or that you receive as a result of your use of the Services and you may not disclose or disclose any such information or

Using it, making it available or copying it without our written consent to do so, whether in the validity of your presence on the craft platform (application

) or in the event that the relationship is terminated for any reason and at all times; You may not disclose confidential information to employees, agents, or contractors of

The subcontractors only when they need to know it, except with an official written or electronic approval from the herfah platform (application)

Return and exchange policy:-

Dear customer, we would like to inform you that if you wish to return or exchange any unwanted and unused product, we will be happy to meet your wishes in the herfah application; According to our return and exchange policy.

Cancelling order:

herfah reserves the right to cancel the application for any of the following reasons:-

1)Payment Failed

In the event that the customer is more than an hour late in paying through the SADAD payment system.

Failure by the customer within a reasonable period of time we determine to you to provide us with the information required to deliver the Products to him.

If the delivery address given by the customer is wrong, the contact information is wrong, or the customer cannot be reached; Or if there is no one at their address to collect the product.

The customer's failure to appear or delay in receiving the request for more than (5) days to receive his request paid via the Internet (online).

Failure to appear or delay for more than (48) hours to receive his request when he chooses to pay upon receipt.

 2)Cancellation of the order by the customer

To proceed with the order cancellation process, you must contact us first; Provided that you can cancel your order for any of the following reasons

If the order is not delivered or shipped to you within a maximum period of one month from the date of payment for the product.

Non-conformity of the specifications and their inclusion of the main and important points that were clarified in the product specifications of the merchant in the application.

The existence of a defect or defect in the product before receiving the product

Returns, exchanges and refunds: -

The customer has the right to return in the following cases

The product does not conform to the standard specifications and what has been described in the application

The product did not include the main and important points to be aware of, which were clarified in the product specifications of the merchant in the application

There is a quality defect in the manufacture of the product before receiving the product

wrong product received; Or receiving a damaged product, and the customer must clarify this immediately before receiving the product. If the customer receives the product, this is an acknowledgment from the customer that the product is safe

In the event of a refund of the amount paid by credit card; The customer is required to contact the bank; The application is not responsible for the refund period for the customer's account

In the event that the product is returned due to a defect in the product or a defect from the seller (the craftsman); Or as a result of damage during product delivery or due to incorrect/wrong product delivery, additional shipping service fees and bank transfer fees will be charged

When preparing to return the product, the product must be in its original condition; We do not accept returns for products damaged due to misuse; We reserve the right to agree to accept returns of products that do not meet the above criteria

Non-returnable products: -

Pursuant to hygiene and public health laws, we do not accept returns on products that you have previously used or damaged; or has become in a condition different from what it was received; and any tampered products

It is also not subject to exchange or refund, unless there is a defect in the manufacture of the product before receiving the product


Warranty, Maintenance and Repair:

The products sold by us are covered by the seller's warranty for the period specified by the seller in the product description; Seller's warranty starts from the date of purchase

Prerequisites for the replacement of any product:

The original purchase invoice must be attached

The product to be replaced shall be in its original condition without any use and with all its packaging

Replacement takes place before receiving the product, and if the customer receives the product, this is an acknowledgment from the customer that the product is safe

The product must be in its original condition, unopened, and as purchased

In the event of a manufacturing defect in any product, it is necessary to communicate with customer service upon receiving the product through the application of the craft via the application or social media platforms and to report the defect so that the seller can be addressed to give us a written report stating that the product has a manufacturing defect or not, then we communicate with the customer Within a maximum period of two working weeks from the date of receipt of the report.

In the event that the customer does not receive the product within one month from the date of the invoice, the herfah application has the right to cancel the sales order (the invoice) and the amount will be credited to the customer in the application.

The warranty is the guarantee of the seller or his agent in the sale and not the guarantee of the application of the craft; The warranty also does not cover misuse caused by the customer

Refund procedures:-

The refund will be the same as how you paid it, as follows:

If you have paid for cash on delivery, we will return the value to your e-wallet

If you have paid by credit/debit card, you can choose between refunding the amount to the credit/debit card, or placing it in your electronic wallet

When will the amount be refunded:-

The amount will be refunded to you at the same time we receive and inspect the product at our Customer Merchandise Configuration Center, and your final payment will be as follows:

If the refund will be made to your credit/debit card: within (15) days from the day we received the returned product at our Customer Merchandise Configuration Center

If the amount will be returned to your electronic wallet; We will refund the amount (5) working days after we receive the product, inspect the product by us, or if you cancel the purchase order before the shipping date, the amount will be automatically refunded to you